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Warmly welcome New Zealand customers to visit GNEE Group

Jan 24, 2024
The New Zealand customer has cooperated with GNEE Group for 2 years. This time, he visited GNEE Group again regarding customized products and communicated with GNEE on the details of the cooperation.
New Zealand customers have expressed great recognition of our past products and services. For this customized product cooperation, more details need to be communicated. The New Zealand customer expressed the hope that the product could be produced exactly according to the planned size and pattern. However, due to the particularity of the material, it may have a certain impact on the size. After 2 hours of detailed discussion, the customer and our staff reached an agreement and signed this cooperation document.
We also showed customers our customized products and cooperation cases from previous customers. The New Zealand customer said: He is very satisfied and looks forward to this customized project.
Tel: +86 -372-5055135
Email: info@gneetube.com
Whatsapp: +86 15822557385