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Alloy steel pipe hardness testing method

Feb 26, 2024
The mechanical properties testing methods of alloy steel pipes are mainly divided into two categories: one is tensile test and the other is hardness test.
Tensile testing is to make alloy steel pipes into specimens, pull the specimens to fracture on a tensile testing machine, and then measure one or several mechanical properties. Usually only tensile strength, yield strength, elongation after fracture and fracture area are measured. Shrinkage. Tensile test is the basic mechanical property test method for alloy steel pipes. Almost all alloy steel pipes require tensile tests as long as they have requirements for mechanical properties. Especially for alloy steel pipes whose shapes are inconvenient for hardness testing, tensile testing has become the only means of testing mechanical properties.

The alloy steel pipe hardness test is to slowly press a hard indenter into the surface of the sample according to specified conditions, and then test the indentation depth or size to determine the hardness of the alloy steel pipe. Hardness test is a simple, rapid and easy-to-implement method in mechanical property testing of alloy steel pipes. The hardness test is non-destructive, and there is an approximate conversion relationship between the hardness value and the tensile strength value of the alloy steel pipe. The hardness value of alloy steel pipe can be converted into tensile strength value, which is of great practical significance.

Since the tensile test is inconvenient to test and it is convenient to convert hardness to strength, people are increasingly testing only the hardness of alloy steel pipes and less often their strength. Especially due to the continuous advancement and innovation of hardness tester manufacturing technology, it is now possible to directly test the hardness of some alloy steel pipes that were previously unable to be directly tested for hardness. Therefore, there is a trend that hardness testing gradually replaces tensile testing.
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